Tree Pruning: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Trees Healthy

If you are looking at your neighbor's yard and wondering how they keep their trees maintained, aesthetic, and most importantly ALIVE - This is the perfect blog for you! 

If we had to take ONE guess, the secret to your neighbor's stunning trees is they are most likely prioritizing regularly scheduled pruning and trimming treatments. These services are essential for ensuring your trees’ longevity and well-being. 

In this blog, we are sharing a full guide on tree pruning services so you can have the most beautiful landscape on the block!

What is Tree Pruning?

Before you try to spruce up your trees yourself - We need to get down to the root of what tree pruning actually entails! Tree pruning is the practice of trimming and shaping trees by removing dead or diseased branches and strategically trimming live ones. This encourages proper growth, allows sunlight penetration, and enhances air circulation. 

At Fairfield, we like to think of tree pruning like a haircut… Just as we schedule regular haircuts so that we can get rid of our dead ends and grow our hair longer, the same can be said with pruning! It takes seasonal maintenance to trim away dead branches and foliage from your trees to encourage the growth of existing and new branches as well as the environment around the trees!

Benefits of Pruning

Let’s say you don’t care if your yard is superior to your neighbors… Do you still need pruning for your trees?

Absolutely! Aside from aesthetics, pruning also provides major health and safety benefits.

  • Clearing away those dead branches is like giving your tree a VIP pass to invest all its energy into healthy growth. Pruning greatly reduces the risk of pests and diseases, making sure they don't find a foothold in your tree's domain.

  • Keeping up with regular pruning is doing your trees (and insurance) a huge favor. By getting rid of those weak or dead branches, you're making sure they won't turn into potential hazards to your landscape, home, or others during storms or gusty winds. It's like a safety net for your property, preventing accidents and damage.

  • Not only does pruning spruce up the trees themselves, but it also allows for more sunlight to penetrate through and improve air circulation, benefiting both the tree AND the grass and plants underneath too!

When to Prune Your Trees

Now that we have you SOLD on tree pruning benefits - it’s important to time when you plan your treatments to get the best results! 

  • Winter Pruning: This is prime time for this service! During the winter months, our arborists take on the big structural work and address major issues like crossing branches for our customers. December will be here before we know it - Get on our books while you still can! 

  • Late Winter to Early Spring: Ideal for most tree species, as they are dormant and less likely to suffer from pruning stress.

  • Late Spring to Early Summer: Best for light trimming and shaping.

  • Late Summer to Early Fall: We advise avoiding heavy pruning during this time, as it can stimulate new growth that may not harden off before winter.

Should I Hire a Pro?

Before you whip out a chainsaw and go to town on your trees - It’s super important to understand the extensive technique that goes into this service! At Fairfield, we have a team specifically trained and dedicated to the art of tree pruning… Yes, you read that right - it’s truly a work of art! 

All of our arborists are highly experienced in trimming and pruning trees at a professional level. We have access to high-quality tools to execute clean, precise cuts. The rusty shears in your shed may be okay for a small tree or bush, but when it comes to large oaks, pines, etc. it takes the big dogs to get the work done! 

Aside from resources, it’s also vital to understand pruning cuts & techniques. While our arborists make it look easy, there is a LOT of education that went behind that skill set. From the type of cut, where to cut, etc. These are all factors that are essential to promote proper healing and most importantly keep our guys safe on the job! 

While some tree pruning and trimming tasks can be accomplished by regular homeowners, like small trees or bushes - We advise our customers to leave it to the pros!

Let’s Get Your Trees Pruned

Regular tree pruning services are essential to maintain your trees' health and aesthetics as well as your entire landscape.  When you invest in this maintenance, you can enhance your landscape's beauty, ensure trees' longevity, and prevent safety hazards. Proper care of your trees not only benefits your property but also contributes to a healthier environment! 

Get on our books TODAY for tree pruning for the Winter season:


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