Winterizing Your Landscape: Prep Your Lawn For The Winter Season

As the days grow shorter and a crisp chill graces the air, it's time to shift our focus to the impending winter season. Just as we prepare our homes for the colder months, our landscapes also need thoughtful attention to ensure they weather the winter with resilience. 

Our Fairfield team is here to walk you through the TOP services you need to help winterize your landscape for protection and set the stage for a vibrant spring!

Clean Up and Clear Out

Before winter sets in, embark on a thorough clean-up mission. Remove fallen leaves, debris, and any dead plants that may linger from the previous seasons. This not only enhances the visual appeal of your landscape but also prevents potential pest and disease issues during the winter months.

Trim and Prune

Give your trees and shrubs a trim before winter arrives. Pruning away dead or overgrown branches not only promotes the overall health of the plants but also prevents the risk of damage caused by heavy snow and ice accumulation. Be sure to research the specific needs of each plant species to prune effectively.

Read more on signs you need pruning services - HERE

Mulching Matters

Applying a layer of mulch around the base of trees and shrubs provides insulation to the soil. This protective barrier helps regulate soil temperature, preventing rapid freezing and thawing that can be detrimental to plant roots. Mulching also inhibits weed growth, ensuring a healthier landscape come spring. 

Fertilize for Resilience

Give your landscape a nutrient boost with a winter-appropriate fertilizer. This will provide essential nutrients to the soil, promoting root growth and ensuring that your plants enter the winter season in optimal health. Our lawn health care team will help your landscape survive the winter by providing a fertilizer with balanced formulas suitable for your specific plant varieties. 

Irrigation and Watering

Properly manage your irrigation system before winter arrives. Drain and shut off outdoor water sources to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting. Ensure that your landscape receives adequate water before the first freeze, as hydrated plants are better equipped to withstand winter stress.

Winterizing your landscape is a labor of love that pays off when the first buds of spring emerge. By investing time and effort into these preparations, you not only protect your outdoor haven but also ensure that it flourishes with renewed vitality when warmer days return. The best part – Our Fairfield team is here to help prep your landscape on ALL of these services! 

Get a quote to winterize your landscape TODAY -


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